Oh, Summer, you’ve been quite an adventure. On top of being a slave for my Master (or is that “on bottom of” HAHA. Lame, sorry.), I have won several sex-related contests thanks to Twitter. My love.
I showed you the two sex toys I won previously. Recently, however, I won the book The Mile High Club from Lucy Lemonade! ee! I want to join the Mile High Club! Like WOAH! That must be added to my To Do List. You can follow her on Twitter here.
The second thing I won recently was a prize from Wet Together! I think it’s a surprise pack of lube, but I guess I’ll find out when I get it! [P.s. I've discovered that I HATE waiting indefinitely for packages. I've no clue when these packages will arrive at my house, thus I check the mail daily. It's tiring.] Maybe it’s because this lube is coming from California! That’s my excuse.
The third and fourth things I won this summer are fairly non-sexual, but I’ll mention them anyways! I won some POKEMON Japanese Ochazuke, which is a pouch of fairly mysterious goodies that you eat over rice. It’s tasty. The other thing I won was a Ro & Co vegan wallet from Veggywood!
The other 2 things I won this summer I already posted about! You can read that post here.
So, the moral of the story is that if you enter a SHITTON of contests, you’re bound to win one. or seven. My rule with contests is that they have to be easy to enter, and require very little effort. These are things like: blog comments, tweets, Re-tweets, etc. Very easy peasy. So, go try to win some toys! or books! or wallets! xoxo